Factors the Affect Energy Saving in a Window

The energy saving in a window is determined mainly by three values: the solar factor, transmission losses and air infiltration.

The solar factor represents the solar energy that allows a certain enclosure to pass to the interior rooms and is the first one to take into account for energy saving in a window . It is calculated simply by dividing the solar energy that passes through the glass by the total energy that hits the glass. Obviously, the lower the solar factor in a glass, the lower the heating generated.

Let’s see how we can contemplate them with the aim of saving energy in a window in two different scenarios. If we are calculating it for a city with a cold climate, we will need the solar factor to be high, so that a lot of energy goes through the window so that the house is warmer and we need less heating. The opposite will happen when we are calculating for a city with a hot climate, we will need it very low so that the solar energy through the window is as small as possible and we need less cooling in the house. The solar factor will be important for energy saving in a window.

There are three factors that affect the energy saving in a window
The second variable that intervenes in the energy saving of a window is the transmission or better defined as thermal transmittance, which measures the temperature difference between the exterior and the interior of the enclosure, without considering the air flows or solar radiation.

The thermal transmittance of an enclosure is calculated in a proportional manner to the surface occupied by each of the elements of the enclosure, with which the glass takes on a great importance in the whole of the window, since it is the element that most percentage of the surface occupied in the window with an average of 75% and even in many cases exceeding 80%, assuming the largest surface of the window that transmits heat. With this it is very clear that the framework is not a determining factor in the energy saving of a window.

But really the factor that determines the energy saving in a window is the air permeability, which measures the losses by infiltration of air or what is the same, the unforeseen air renewals that take place inside the homes.

The number of closing points and quality of the hardware affect the air permeability of the enclosure, always counting that the window has no defects of manufacture or placement.

They also affect the air permeability and therefore the energy saving in a window the type of opening of the same, resulting in less infiltration in the case of hinged windows than in the sliding ones.

The air permeability must be a value that remains uniform throughout the life of the window, but not all are able to maintain these characteristics over time, so it is important to choose a window that by material and design it guarantees it, materials that dilate little, very resistant and that does not degrade with the sun and the meteorological effects. In this respect, aluminium with thermal break is an excellent option.

With all this, and contemplating these values very well, the use of slats or shutters in energy saving in a window will always help.

At Beautex Fenestration we are constantly improving the aluminium systems.

Energy saving in a window  by Beautex Fenestration for Construction –  Aluminium Systems.

Aluminum Windows : Elegant and Versatile

It is no secret, aluminium windows are back and now they are better than ever, providing a lot of practical and stylistic benefits, all at a relatively low cost.

If you are looking for an elegant window for your project, Ponzio aluminium windows are an excellent option. The aluminium windows have become an increasingly popular choice among people looking for a modern style, versatility, easy maintenance and super thin frames. The modern style of aluminium frames makes them the ideal choice for owners of new buildings, or for those who want to transform their traditional home, giving it a contemporary touch.

People who are concerned with style opt for aluminium windows due to the slim and elegant appearance that aluminium offers along with the ability to make an amazing decoration. With our versatile aluminium windows you can achieve a variety of styles, as they can adapt to modern homes with soft textures, or to traditional homes with a range of finishes and classic styles.

When you choose your aluminium windows, you can choose to finish them in any color so that it adapts perfectly to any style of home and transform your home, which makes them an affordable way to bring the look of great designs to your home.

The aluminium windows mean more glass and less frame. The inherent strength of thin lines of vision allows a window with more glass and less frame, which makes the frames, narrower than PVC, provide more light to your home, creating brighter spaces. Thin frames make windows extremely light, which makes them easy to open and close, perfect for projects with large window areas.

Our windows  also offer high thermal efficiency, specifically designed to guarantee minimal heat loss. Equipped with thermal bridge break technology consisting of placing a piece of insulation between the interior and exterior frames to maintain heat and cold. Not only will this make your home more comfortable, but your energy bills will be reduced and save you money.

Because aluminium is such a robust material, its natural strength provides additional security, keeping your home safe from intruders. aluminium windows are long lasting and will remain as new for a long time, as their material makes them resistant to corrosion, which means they will not warp, twist, or expand, and you will never need to repaint them.

High performance Ponzio Aluminium Windows by Beautex Fenstration.

Beautex Fenstration acts as one of the leading designers of aluminium systems for construction. Our aluminium door and window systems are supplied and installed by the best aluminium carpentry companies.

At Beautex Fenstration we are constantly improving the aluminium systems.